What You Need To Know About Food Allergies And How To Protect Your Children

Food allergies are more common than many people realize. Young children could be suffering from a delayed food allergy without their parents even knowing it. This is because not all food allergies present themselves with severe reactions. In some cases, the allergy is a delayed response or mild enough that the person doesn't realize it, they just knows that they don't feel good. Here are some things that parents can do to protect their children from adverse reactions to food allergies. [Read More]

How You Can Benefit From A Midwife

If you are pregnant, then you are probably worrying a lot about the impending birth. You might not be totally comfortable with the prospect or you might just want some expert help in getting through the ordeal. In these cases, you might benefit greatly from the assistance of a midwife. To help give you a better idea of what these experts do and why they are still relevant in the 21st century, here is an overview: [Read More]

Looking At The Effects Of Oxidative Stress On Your Eyes

No one is sure what the exact cause of cataracts is, although many factors have been thought to contribute to this condition. Research has found that cataracts could be directly linked to aging in addition to other factors like disease. Some researchers are looking at the effects of oxidative stress on the eyes and how nutrition can help to slow down its damaging effects. Find out how your diet can reduce the formation of cataracts in your eyes. [Read More]

What Is Concierge Care And Does It Make Sense For You?

Medical insurance costs continue to rise. If you're exploring your health care options, one sometimes overlooked option that is gaining popularity is called concierge care.  Concierge care, or concierge medicine, is a model used primarily by family doctors and sole practitioners. The medical professional charges an annual retainer fee, and for that cost the patient can schedule an appointment anytime with no co-pay. Any in-office testing is also included in that, but the patient has to pay for outside lab work, prescriptions and care from specialists. [Read More]