A Few Things To Know About Having A Facelift

If your facial skin shows signs of aging while you still feel young and energetic, you can be disheartened every time you look in the mirror. If your appearance makes you look older than you feel, then you may want to consider having a facelift. A facelift helps your outward appearance match how young you feel inside so you are more self-confident. Here is some information about having facelift procedures. [Read More]

Music Therapy And Stress

Stress can have major impacts on your well-being and your overall health. There are a lot of things that can lead to stress, with money and work being two of the biggest contributors. Other sources of stress include friends, family, and even the political climate. An estimated 8.3 million Americans deal with serious psychological distress. Stress and anxiety can be difficult to deal with, but there are a variety of therapies that may help. [Read More]

Increasing Calcium And Vitamin D Consumption In Your Autistic Child

Many people place their children on special diets once they are diagnosed with autism. This is meant to reduce symptoms and to encourage overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, these diets can leave children deficient in certain essential nutrients. According to one study, vitamin D and calcium deficiencies are common. While you can provide your child with supplements to help increase nutrient intake, there are some other things you can do as well. [Read More]

Just One More Store: How To Care For Your Feet During The Mad Holiday Shopping Rush

The holidays tend to be synonymous with sore feet. With all the walking you do around malls, trying to find the perfect gifts, it's no wonder your feet hurt at the end of the day. They're bearing the brunt of your shopping frenzy. Unfortunately, if your feet hurt, you slow down, which makes you feel the need to rush even more. It becomes a never-ending cycle of foot pain. Don't take your feet for granted this holiday season. [Read More]