Indigestion And Stomach Pain: When Is It Time To Call Your Doctor?

Upset stomach, also known as dyspepsia, is very common. In fact, most people will experience bouts of stomach trouble at certain points during their life. The causes for such upsets vary widely from the ingestion of an overly spicy meal, to prolonged stress. While these causes aren't life threatening, some causes of stomach upset are quite alarming and require medical attention. Symptoms caused by gallstones, ulcers and other serious conditions should be reported to your family care doctor immediately. [Read More]

Anal Fissures: A Pain Nobody Wants To Discuss (And How To Treat It)

Anal fissures are both common and extremely painful. Despite any reluctance you may have discussing the issue with your doctor, the prognosis for a full recovery is much better if you seek early treatment. Learn more about this condition, and how it can be treated. Diagnosis And Causes Of Anal Fissures Anal fissures are small tears in the anus, and they cause a great deal of pain during bowel movements. After a bowel movement, anal fissures can cause agonizing spasms of the entire colon and rectal bleeding that can last hours. [Read More]

Relieve Your Own Knee Joint Pain Naturally At Home

Chronic knee joint pain is very debilitating. If you are suffering with knee pain, then you need to know that there are many simple, natural ways that you can alleviate your pain. Before you reach for your prescription pain medication bottle, try these two very effective home treatments for your knee pain: Cold and Heat Combination Therapy Both heat and cold can be used as therapy for injuries and pain. However, when it comes to alleviating knee pain, a combination of the two can provide you with the most relief possible. [Read More]

Proving To Your Insurers That You Need Long Term Care

When you find yourself in need of long term care at a facility like St. Joseph's Ministries, you will need to prove to your insurers that you truly need it. This means you will have to go through a qualification process. Your need for long term care will be measured by your ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). The list of ADLs is quite comprehensive and includes many activities. [Read More]