Whiplash After A Collision: Things To Know

Did your neck quickly jerk forward and backwards after your vehicle was rear-ended in a collision? If your neck now feels stiff and hard to move, you might want to find out if a condition called whiplash is the cause. Although sometimes whiplash can heal on its own, it is in your best interest to get treated for severe symptoms. In this article, you will discover helpful information in regards to whiplash. [Read More]

When Social Drinking Stops Being Social | 5 Signs Your Friend Could Be Suffering From Alcoholism

A night out drinking with friends may not seem like a big deal. In fact, it's quite common -- with 87.6 percent of Americans over 18 saying they have consumed alcohol at some point. But sometimes social drinking stops being social and starts being a problem. Here are five signs your friend could be suffering from alcoholism. 1. Your Friend Consumes Increasing Amounts of Alcohol One of the first warning signs of alcoholism is an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. [Read More]

What You Should Know About Getting A Physical Examination

Are you concerned about your overall health because you haven't been feeling good for an unknown reason? The best way to find out if there is something wrong is to visit a general practitioner so he or she can perform a physical examination. Take a look at this article to find out about some of the things that a physician might do during your physical examination. Observe Your Overall Appearance [Read More]

A Middle-Aged Woman's Guide To Zumba Safety

Zumba is a high-energy dance workout that's inspired more than 12 million people in the U.S. to get moving and get healthy, but it has also resulted in a lot of aches and injuries. Some hospitals report an increasing number of patients with Zumba-related injuries. If you're a middle-aged woman who is planning on taking Zumba for the first time, what can you do to avoid joining their ranks? 1.) Zumba with your own age group. [Read More]