
Understanding How A Diary-Free Lifestyle Can Affect Your Teeth

Are you experiencing more cavities and decay lately after switching over to a dairy-free diet? Experts have concluded that going dairy-free can have a negative impact on your teeth. In fact, it can ultimately lead to tooth loss and the need for dental implants. For many people, choosing to go to dairy-free can have some major health benefits for their bodies. Some choose this route to help relieve allergies, while others may choose a dairy-free lifestyle to help them lose weight or clear up health issues they have experienced.

Dealing with Glaucoma: What You Should Know

When you go to the eye doctor for a checkup and potentially to update the prescription for your corrective lenses, the last thing you want or expect is to be told you have glaucoma. However, a glaucoma diagnosis, while unpleasant to hear, is not the end of the world. There are treatments available and ways to manage your glaucoma so that it does not progress further and cause any additional vision loss.

Non-Surgical And Surgical Treatment Options For Sleep Apnea

According to the National Sleep Apnea Foundation, more than 18 million adults in America have sleep apnea. Due to the seriousness of the sleep disorder, it is imperative that you seek treatment if you have been diagnosed with it. There are non-surgical and surgical treatments options available.  Non-Surgical Treatments One of the most commonly used means of treating the symptoms of sleep apnea is the use of continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, therapy.

Do You Have A Plan For Your Atheist Funeral?

Funerals are often associated with one's religious beliefs. However, if you are planning your funeral, and consider yourself an atheist, your loved ones may not know what your wishes would be during an event. While there are common rituals followed with major world religions, as an atheist, you can help your loved ones focus on the grieving process by clarifying what you would like to occur during your funeral. Celebrating Your Life

Preparing Your Child For Their First Trip To The Dentist

If you are the parent of a toddler who has not been to  a dentist yet, you will want to prepare them for their first teeth cleaning visit so it goes by without anxiety or fear. Here are a few tips you can use to prepare your child for their first dentists exam. Have Them Watch The best way to prepare your child for their first teeth cleaning appointment is to have them watch you as you get one done yourself.

Stair Lift Safety

A difficult part of aging and/or losing mobility is having to give up the family home because you are unable to access all parts of your house.  Older people and people with disabilities are sometimes faced with having to make this decision since they can't go up and down stairs.  One solution that many people choose instead of relocating is to install a stairlift so that they can safely access all parts of their family home.

Preparing For Your Total Ankle Joint Replacement

Your foot and ankle doctor has recommended an artificial joint replacement to resolve your ankle instability. This is a common procedure, but it is major surgery. It's worth your time to understand what will be done and what you can expect after the surgery. Replacing Bone with Plastic and Metal Your ankle is made up of the lower leg bone, called the tibia, fitting into a convex space in your first ankle bone, called the talus.

2 Eye Issues Addressed

Problems with your eyes can result in issues that are both extraordinarily painful and inconvenient. Fortunately, if you have had the bad luck of encountering these problems, ophthalmologists have the training needed to help you find a suitable solution or treatment for your eye issues. Below are answers to two questions you might have about common eye issues. What Should You Do For Chemical Injuries? One of the most painful issues that your eyes can encounter is a chemical burn.

How You Can Make Money And Help Advance Medications Through The Clinical Research Process

There are several stages in between the ideation stage and the final product stage for medications. Many of these stages involve clinical trials to prove that the medicines are not harmful and are, in fact, helpful. Even over-the-counter medicines require clinical trials before the FDA can approve them. If you are interested in how you can make a lot of money and help progress these medicines into the mainstream market to help others, you can sign up for one of these three clinical trial stages.

Wraparound Sunglasses and Their Benefits

If you wear prescription glasses or contact lenses, you may find that bright sunlight can be hard on your field of vision. You may find that wearing sunglasses can be hard when you have problems seeing where you are going while wearing them instead of your prescription lenses. Wraparound style prescription sunglasses can help you enjoy a sunny day without worrying about your vision being compromised. What the Sun Can Do to Your Eyes