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Understanding How A Diary-Free Lifestyle Can Affect Your Teeth

Are you experiencing more cavities and decay lately after switching over to a dairy-free diet? Experts have concluded that going dairy-free can have a negative impact on your teeth. In fact, it can ultimately lead to tooth loss and the need for dental implants. For many people, choosing to go to dairy-free can have some major health benefits for their bodies. Some choose this route to help relieve allergies, while others may choose a dairy-free lifestyle to help them lose weight or clear up health issues they have experienced. Regardless of the reason for choosing a diary-free lifestyle, it is important to understand what consequences it could have on your teeth and how to remedy the issue.

The Need for Calcium

Most dairy items have a large amount of calcium in them. Calcium is a great mineral for your teeth because it helps your teeth build up on enamel. As you continue to eat certain foods, the enamel will wear over time and come off. The calcium helps regrow the enamel to protect your teeth better. Calcium is lost through your body, but your body is not able to generate new calcium. In order to gain the calcium your body needs, you can take it in through other types of foods that are not dairy related. Your age and sex determines how much calcium you need but generally most adults should get about 1,000 mg per day

When dairy products are eliminated from your diet, you have to go elsewhere to get your calcium. The easiest way to do this is through calcium supplements. Other ways to get in calcium is by consuming leafy green vegetables like broccoli and bok choy. You can also consume orange juice to help get in some calcium.  

How Vitamin D Helps

When your body requires more calcium, you also want to be sure that you are getting enough vitamin D as well. Vitamin D is used to help your body absorb the calcium better. Without it, your body would struggle to obtain the calcium it needs. The easiest way to get more Vitamin D is through sunlight. You can also do it through certain foods like salmon and tuna. By increasing your Vitamin D intake, you can then help obtain more calcium as well. 

The addition of Vitamin D and calcium are crucial if you want healthy teeth and bones. By making sure you get enough of these vitamins and minerals, you can help reduce your chances of tooth decay and cavities that can lead to tooth loss. 

For more information, contact a business such as Great Plains Oral Surgery And Implant Center.  
