3 Reasons To Go To A Family Practice Doctor
When it comes to medical treatment it is important to get the very best possible. You can see a different doctor for almost any type of ailment, but there are reasons that it may be bet to stick with one doctor. It may be beneficial for you and for your entire family to go to a family practice doctor. Here are just a few reasons that you may want to seriously consider going to a family practice doctor.
3 Things To Keep In Mind After Your Skin Resurfacing Procedure
If you have recently decided to go under the laser beam to repair damaged skin cells in the outer layers of your skin so that you can finally have wrinkle-free, blemish-free, young-looking skin, then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind following the procedure. The following tips will ensure that you are ready to embrace that renewed skin and that you get the absolute most out of your skin resurfacing treatment.
3 Ways To Stay Healthy During Cold And Flu Season
November to April is cold and flu season. This is when your chances of getting a cold or the flu increase significantly. Getting a flu shot is one of the best ways to prevent getting sick, but there are also good habits that you can practice to help keep you well during this time of year. Here are three ways to stay healthy during this year's cold and flu season.
The Importance of Testing Services at Urgent-Care Facilities
Many people believe that urgent-care services only handle minor issues like school vaccinations until a patient can take the child to visit their regular doctor. While urgent-care centers do perform many mundane but useful services, they can also prevent serious illness and death through testing for infections that can transform into more deadly sicknesses without treatment.
What are some of the illnesses that can be treated or cured through testing at an urgent-care facility?
Can You Get Medical Care from Home?
The idea of sitting in a doctor's office can be unappealing to even the most affable person. When you are sick, it can seem like torture. Fortunately for you, advances in how doctors treat patients could mean that receiving medical care is as easy as picking up your phone or logging on to a computer. If you are looking for alternative means of receiving medical care, here are some ideas.
3 Helpful Tips for Keeping Your Hearing Aids Clean
Your hearing aids probably make a big difference in your life and make it possible for you to hear when you might not be able to otherwise. However, if your hearing aids are dirty, they can cause more harm than good. This is because hearing aids that are clogged with dirt and grime might not help you hear at all, and the debris can cause ear infections and other problems. Luckily, following these tips can help you keep your hearing aids nice and clean so that you don't have to worry about these things.
If You Have To Wear Heels, Follow These Tips To Protect Your Feet
It's no secret that wearing high heels is bad for your feet. Most podiatrists recommend against wearing them, and all you have to do to understand why is spend a few hours in them. (Your feet will ache!) Unfortunately, there are still occasions when wearing heels is socially conventional. If you do have to wear heels from time to time, you should at least take a few measures to make the practice less hazardous to your feet.
Tips For Dealing With Head Lice
Nobody wants to get that call from the school or daycare saying that they need to come pick up their child because they have head lice. The lice screening services used by the school have found either nits or live lice on the child's head. Even though getting lice has nothing to do with being dirty, a lot of people are embarrassed by the fact that their child has head lice and might even have spread it on to other children.
Have A Child With Lice? Make Sure To Use These Rules Until The Lice Are Gone
When your child comes home from school complaining of an itchy or irritated scalp, it's time to get a comb and begin looking for lice. Upon making this discovery, which affects many school-aged children, you can successfully treat the lice with a highly specialized shampoo that you can get at your local pharmacy. Your child may need multiple treatments before the lice are completely gone, so it's a good idea to make some rules that will prevent the lice from spreading to the heads of your other children.
Your Guide to Plantar Fibroma
If you are a runner or similar athlete, you may have heard of a condition called plantar fibroma, an injury of the foot that you may find similar to plantar fasciitis. Plantar fibroma develops as a knot at the bottom of the foot and causes the plantar fascia to feel tight and painful. Do you have questions about plantar fibroma? It is important to get answers to your questions before trying to treat the condition.