
Tips For Picking The Right Glasses For Running And Jogging

Jogging with poor vision doesn't mean you're stuck with slipping glasses or irritating contact lenses. Many designers now offer specially engineered eyeglasses that are made specifically for running and cycling. Tip #1: Check the Fit Fit is the single most important factor when you are shopping for athletic glasses. You don't want your glasses to bounce on your face or to slide down your nose when you're jogging. A well-fitting frame, made for athletic use, should stay comfortably in place.

Breathe Easier - How Specialized Rhinoplasty Can Correct Breathing Problems

Your nose may be beautiful the way it is, but could it be affecting other aspects of your health?  Trouble breathing and sinus issues can often be traced back to the anatomy of your nose, but fortunately a new solution is on the rise.  Rhinoplasty is no longer for cosmetic purposes alone, it is now being used as a medical treatment for sinus and breathing problems. Poor Anatomy On the outside, your nose may appear perfectly shaped and cute as a button (or not), but on the inside you could have a twisted septum, nasal polyps, or a collapsed valve.

How A Physical For Employees Can Save Your Company Money

Sending your employees out for a physical capacity evaluation, or just a physical as it's often called, can be a good choice before actually hiring them. It can be a good service to provide your employees on a regular basis as well. Many employers may assume that the expense is not worth the investment, but this can be a shortsighted mistake. There are many reasons to be concerned about the health of your employees; consider how these regular physicals can actually save you money over time.

Getting To The Heart Of The Problem: Effectively Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

When it comes to your health, there is simply nothing more important than protecting your heart. After all, having the body of a beauty queen or bodybuilder will do little for you if your heart is unable to keep up with your lifestyle as a result of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or excess plaque in your arteries. Unfortunately, far too many people simply blame genetics for their poor heart health while doing very little to prevent or treat the problem.

Indigestion And Stomach Pain: When Is It Time To Call Your Doctor?

Upset stomach, also known as dyspepsia, is very common. In fact, most people will experience bouts of stomach trouble at certain points during their life. The causes for such upsets vary widely from the ingestion of an overly spicy meal, to prolonged stress. While these causes aren't life threatening, some causes of stomach upset are quite alarming and require medical attention. Symptoms caused by gallstones, ulcers and other serious conditions should be reported to your family care doctor immediately.

Anal Fissures: A Pain Nobody Wants To Discuss (And How To Treat It)

Anal fissures are both common and extremely painful. Despite any reluctance you may have discussing the issue with your doctor, the prognosis for a full recovery is much better if you seek early treatment. Learn more about this condition, and how it can be treated. Diagnosis And Causes Of Anal Fissures Anal fissures are small tears in the anus, and they cause a great deal of pain during bowel movements. After a bowel movement, anal fissures can cause agonizing spasms of the entire colon and rectal bleeding that can last hours.

Relieve Your Own Knee Joint Pain Naturally At Home

Chronic knee joint pain is very debilitating. If you are suffering with knee pain, then you need to know that there are many simple, natural ways that you can alleviate your pain. Before you reach for your prescription pain medication bottle, try these two very effective home treatments for your knee pain: Cold and Heat Combination Therapy Both heat and cold can be used as therapy for injuries and pain. However, when it comes to alleviating knee pain, a combination of the two can provide you with the most relief possible.

Proving To Your Insurers That You Need Long Term Care

When you find yourself in need of long term care at a facility like St. Joseph's Ministries, you will need to prove to your insurers that you truly need it. This means you will have to go through a qualification process. Your need for long term care will be measured by your ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs). The list of ADLs is quite comprehensive and includes many activities.

5 Helpful Tips For Preventing Cataracts

Cataracts cloud the lens of your eyes and can lead to blindness. They form gradually and are more common in elderly adults. The good news is that you can take steps to lower your risk of developing cataracts in the future. Here are five helpful tips for preventing cataracts. Include Lutein and Zeaxanthin in Your Diet If you include lutein and zeazanthin in your diet, you can lower your risk of getting cataracts.

5 Tips For Whiter Teeth

Most people desire a bright white smile, but keeping teeth white can be a challenge. A number of things, such as aging, smoking, or consuming certain foods and drinks, can lead to discolored teeth. Use the following tips to get your teeth white, and keep them that way: Invest in a Professional Whitening Treatment There are numerous teeth whitening kits sold over the counter, but for the best results it is worth investing in a professional teeth whitening treatment.