If you're suffering from a spinal compression fracture, you know that the pain is incredibly debilitating. Fully recovering from this condition requires one of two surgical procedures: kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty. Understanding these two procedures and their cost investment can help you make the right decision.
Kyphoplasty, Its Benefits, and Risks
When you suffer from a spinal compression fracture, a surgeon is likely to suggest a kyphoplasty surgical procedure. This surgery will stop the pain by raising the vertebrae and stabilizing it.
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5 Ways To Deal With Fatigue
Although feeling a little tired after you first wake up is perfectly normal, being exhausted all day is an issue. If you are fatigued all day, you may have trouble concentrating at work and doing your everyday tasks. Luckily, you do not have to feel this way forever. Here are five effective ways to deal with fatigue:
Stay Active
When you are exhausted, exercise is probably the last thing you want to think about.
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Understanding How A Diary-Free Lifestyle Can Affect Your Teeth
Are you experiencing more cavities and decay lately after switching over to a dairy-free diet? Experts have concluded that going dairy-free can have a negative impact on your teeth. In fact, it can ultimately lead to tooth loss and the need for dental implants. For many people, choosing to go to dairy-free can have some major health benefits for their bodies. Some choose this route to help relieve allergies, while others may choose a dairy-free lifestyle to help them lose weight or clear up health issues they have experienced.
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Dealing with Glaucoma: What You Should Know
When you go to the eye doctor for a checkup and potentially to update the prescription for your corrective lenses, the last thing you want or expect is to be told you have glaucoma. However, a glaucoma diagnosis, while unpleasant to hear, is not the end of the world. There are treatments available and ways to manage your glaucoma so that it does not progress further and cause any additional vision loss.
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