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What To Expect During & After A Kyphoplasty Procedure

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure to repair a vertebral compression fracture. If you've been diagnosed with a vertebral compression fracture and are scheduled for a kyphoplasty, you may be wondering what to expect after the procedure. Here's what you should know. 

The Procedure

In this surgical procedure, the surgeon will insert a balloon into the affected vertebra and expend the balloon until the vertebra achieves the height it should be. Then, the surgeon places cement in the space. This is typically done on an outpatient basis, although a short stay in the hospital may be required depending on your overall health and any other medical conditions you may have that may affect recovery. 

The Prognosis 

Prognosis is a medical term used to describe the likelihood of recovery or the prediction of what will occur after such a treatment. Your medical team will give you a prognosis based on your overall health and the severity of your compression fracture. Typically, however, prognosis after a kyphoplasty is good with most patients regaining the mobility they lost and becoming more active following recovery and a course of spine rehabilitation. 

The Recovery

During the recovery period immediately following the procedure, you should expect to feel pain relief within the first several days. You will need to avoid doing strenuous activities for at least six weeks and perhaps longer if you have additional extenuating medical conditions or injuries. However, you should be able to return to normal activities during that time frame. 

The Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation by means of physical therapy is important after a kyphoplasty as it not only focuses on recovery but also on prevention. During rehabilitation, the program you'll undergo will increase as your recovery progresses. At first, you will be given advice on managing pain with the use of ice and heat. You will also be taught how to move positions to minimize unnecessary weight on your spine, such as when standing up from a seated position. You will be taught appropriate stretching, strengthening, and weight-bearing exercises at various points during your recovery. 

If you are at high risk of falling, balance and proprioception training may also be incorporated into your rehabilitation to reduce your risks of reinjury. If your posture is poor, rehabilitation can also include training to correct your posture in order to reduce stress on your musculoskeletal system. During rehabilitation, you will likely be continually asked to provide your physical therapist with a pain rating. 

Contact a center like Florida Pain Center for more information.
