What You Should Know About Getting A Physical Examination
Are you concerned about your overall health because you haven't been feeling good for an unknown reason? The best way to find out if there is something wrong is to visit a general practitioner so he or she can perform a physical examination. Take a look at this article to find out about some of the things that a physician might do during your physical examination.
Observe Your Overall Appearance
When you consult with a physician, he or she will pay attention to a few different things concerning your health. For instance, the way that you communicate with him or her will be observed. The physician might look for signs of slurred speech or delayed answering to questions. He or she might also pay attention to the way you walk, the way you swing your arms and the condition of your skin.
Check Your Vital Signs
Your vital signs can give a physician a good idea about the condition of your general health. He or she will make sure your heart rate is normal as well as the level of your blood pressure. How fast you breathe will be checked. Your temperature will be checked during the vital signs exam as well.
Examine Different Areas of Your Head
The physician will examine different areas of your head, including the ears, nose and eyes. He or she will likely ask you to open your mouth to examine your tonsils, tongue, teeth, gums and other soft tissues. Your lymph nodes and different areas of your neck might be examined.
Make Sure Your Lungs Are Healthy
Your lungs will be examined to make sure they are healthy. Basically, the physician will listen to your lungs with a stethoscope for signs of wheezing and crackling. If there is anything of concern, he or she might want to give you an x-ray.
Check Your Abdominal Health
Checking your abdominal health will be done during your physical examination. The physician will feel around on your stomach to determine if it is tender. The size of your liver can also be detected by pressing around on your abdomen. The physician will be able to detect any abnormal fluid in your abdomen that can point to a health problem.
Provide Examinations Based On Your Sex
Keep in mind that certain aspects of a physical examination will depend on your sex. For instance, a woman might receive a pelvic and breast exam. However, a man might get examined to determine if his penis, testicles and prostate are in good shape.
Make an appointment with a general practitioner for a physical exam as soon as you are ready.